2023 Conference Workshops

This year, there will be two half-day conference workshops on Wednesday, November 8th.  Workshops are $75 each for members or $150 for non-members and can be selected during the conference registration process.

Issues and Answers in Scale Development and SEM: Don't miss the Issues and Answers in Scale Development and SEM with Dr. Barry Babin and Dr. Nina Krey. This workshop will include an interactive overview of the analytics involved in psychometric scale validation and use of Analysis of Covariance Structures (Structural Equations Modeling) in general. An overview of the statistical principles involved and hands-on demonstrations of how to perform the analyses needed to test confirmatory structures and learn from the results of those test. Demonstrations will be performed using both AMOS and lavaan (R).

Finding Novel Research Ideas: Where do those amazing research ideas come from? The answer is - everywhere! You too can find the most interesting and innovative research ideas, if you know where to look and how to find them. Join Dr. Merlyn Griffiths in this original workshop to explore the creativity in "novel research" and how to find your stream that intrigues your audience and makes a transdisciplinary impact. This interactive workshop will examine the use of personal experience and current events as the foundation for crafting new research ideas.

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Thank you to our sponsors for SMA 2023