Academic Placement Services

Greetings from Academic Placement Services (APS)! At the 2023 SMA conference, we will once again be offering a professional, but relaxed atmosphere in which job applicants and schools can meet and interview.

Google Drive will be utilized to post faculty vita and university positions so that both Universities and Applicants have almost instant access to job postings and applicant information. Registration for this year's APS will be available through SMA's website. For the 2023 conference in Fort Worth, TX, APS will be available:

• Thursday from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m 

• Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


For Job Applicants

To participate in Academic Placement Services:

  1. Register for the SMA Annual Conference.
  2. Register for Academic Placement Services
    (Until October 15th = free; Starting October 16th = $50)

Applicants can select to participate in academic placement services on the Dryfta website when registering for the conference.  

For Hiring Institutions

To participate in Academic Placement Services, all hiring institutions must register for Academic Placement Services ($ 95). Placement registration for hiring institutions includes admission to the SMA receptions on Wednesday and Friday evenings, along with the Friday Awards luncheon for one person.

Hiring Institutions can select to participate in academic placement services on the Dryfta website under the Sponsorship menu. 


How many schools will be interviewing at the conference?
The number of hiring institutions at the Conference varies from year-to-year, but in recent years 15-20 institutions interview at the SMA Annual Conference.

Do I have to register to just gain access to online job applicants' information (hiring institution's job postings)?
Yes, you must be registered to use APS.

Do I have to attend the Conference to participate in APS?
If you are a job applicant, yes, you must be registered for the Conference to participate in APS. If you are a hiring institution, no, you do not have to be registered for the Conference in order to participate.

How will I know if a school is interested in me?
Typically, schools contact and arrange interviews at the Conference (or some other location) with candidates that are interested in. However, there is no set protocol.

I do not want my intent to seek employment (to hire) made public. Can I obtain access to job postings (job applicant information) without posting my information?
Yes, both job applicants and hiring institutions may elect not to have their information posted to DropBox.

Will my information and CV (job posting) be available to other job applicants (hiring institutions)?
No. Job applicants can only view job postings and hiring institutions can only view job applicant information.

My accounting department requires a federal ID. What is SMA's federal ID number?

For more information about SMA Academic Placement Services, please contact:

Jim Blair

Academic Placement Service Director

Eastern Kentucky University


The SMA Academic Placement Service is available to members who are seeking job positions or schools recruiting for faculty positions. SMA hosts an interview room at our annual conference that provides an informal and relaxed atmosphere in which job applicants and school representatives may meet casually or conduct interviews.  

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Thank you to our sponsors for SMA 2023